
Romanian companies continued to scale globally in 2020

For many Romanian firms, 2020 was a great time to go further in their global scaling efforts. Four more Romanian tech companies kicked off their internationalisation plans.


Just a few months after securing their first investment round from Neogen Capital, Romanian startup Tailent started its international expansion by creating the Tailent Automation Platform Studio for robot development and the Tailent Automation Platform Control Center for robot management in production environments, both available to clients and partners all over the world. The Tailent Automation Platform (TAP) offers unprecedented flexibility, performance, and scalability in developing and using software robots.


Trencadis, a Romanian technology company specialized in software solutions, is accelerating its global expansion on the African market through a new project aimed at strengthening the security of the infrastructure and operations of a key Nigerian institution. The new project marks an important stage in expanding the Trencadis brand to foreign markets. The Romanian company already has operations and projects in Switzerland, Croatia, Albania, Nigeria, Ghana, and Senegal.

Nigeria’s new Trencadis project will be implemented for the NIBSS Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS), an organisation owned by all Nigerian banking institutions, together with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), whose mission is to provide interconnection infrastructure for the banking system to ensure the transfer of funds and interbank settlements. NIBSS processed 1.1 billion electronic transactions in 2019, totalling over EUR 235 billion.


eMAG has continued its international expansion by diversifying its sales channels and opening a showroom in Sofia, Bulgaria, having opened its first showroom outside Romania in Hungary in June 2020. The company is planning to open three more showrooms in the first part of 2021. The growing interest from Romanian sellers in taking their products to other markets is also key to the company’s international expansion: in Bulgaria alone, there are currently over 400 Romanian merchants using the constantly-expanding eMAG Marketplace platform thanks to the ease and speed it provides. eMAG facilitates Romanian sellers’ access to new markets through content translation services, as well as assistance with product listing.


With an established presence in Romania, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, DocProcess, a Romanian technology company with an international footprint, is now ready for a new expansion phase as it aims to reach beyond Europe and gain new clients in the United States. The company has offices in Bucharest, Brasov, Paris, and Grenoble and over 50 employees. The development strategy encompasses a growing market share in France as well as further expansion to Benelux countries, followed by the UK and the United States. To accelerate this process, DocProcess wants to access new financing rounds from reputable international investment funds.

Article initially published in Business Review magazine. 

Claudiu Vrinceanu
Lucrez cu antreprenori și manageri din firme de tip startup și scaleup și îi ajut pe zona de PR + cresc ecosistemul antreprenorial românesc în fiecare zi. Pentru mai multe analize și informații utile, abonează-te la noutățile blogului meu:
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