
SoftLanding Mission in #India with other European ecosystem builders

As an ecosystem enabler, I will be in New Delhi and Bangalore Together with 24 representatives startup and scaleup ecosystems from Europe in order to develop a more internationally oriented entrepreneurial Europe.

The economic and entrepreneurship mission is organized by Soft Landing and involves the participation of 24 specialists in entrepreneurship, internationalisation, acceleration programs and investments from all European Union,

Ecosystem Discovery Mission: key startup ecosystem leaders take an intensive and immersive 3-6 days trip to meet leaders of another country and to explore that market

Benefits of the Mission:

  1. Connect with other key leaders during a 3-6 days intensive mission
  2. Understand and experience the destination ecosystem
  3. Learn the processes to scale a business there and find out about the available resources

Main goals of the Missions:

  1. Build long-lasting relationships with local leaders and partners
  2. Provide better scaling support to your local startups/scaleups
  3. Benefit from costs reimbursement for support travel expenses

What is Soft-Landing? This community connects startup ecosystems through numerous exchanges of ecosystem builders, strengthening the knowledge of EU, US and India’s startup scene and building strong networks. It provides soft-landing and scaling support to European startups in the target destinations.

Why Romanians should think globally also in India? Let’s look at two Romanian examples: SaladBox,the Romanian fast-food restaurants chain specialized in salads and fresh food is present on 11 countries from three continents, is looking to expand in India as the founders are looking to take SaladBox on new markets. The company has ongoing negotiations with one large player on each market. In India, the talks are with Indian conglomerate Mahindra, which also has an agriculture arm.

The global story and accession of UiPath started with a call from…India. And know the company started in Romania plans to increase its headcount to 1,200 by the end of 2019, nearly five times its current strength, and expand its presence to eight cities in the country, on the back of its latest fundraise.

The company plans to expand its presence to eight cities including Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad and Kolkata, while increasing headcount in Bangalore, Mumbai, and Gurgaon.

Why India?

  • India is the second largest startup ecosystem in the world
  • 2nd largest consumer internet market with 730 million users by 2020
  • 20.000+ startups with 4 new startups being added every day
  • 280+ Incubators / Accelerators / Co-working spaces
  • $13.7BN invested across 820 deals by Angels and Venture capitalists in India
  • 65% of the start-ups are located in Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi
  • Immense and fast growing population
  • Ambitious government with a focus on the future and innovation

Let’s connect Romania with the global landscape!

Claudiu Vrinceanu
Lucrez cu antreprenori și manageri din firme de tip startup și scaleup și îi ajut pe zona de PR + cresc ecosistemul antreprenorial românesc în fiecare zi. Pentru mai multe analize și informații utile, abonează-te la noutățile blogului meu:
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