
ScaleOut Go-to-Market: USA. A programme to scale Romanian leaders globally

The ScaleOut Go-to-Market programme helps Romanian companies prepare for and execute their market entry to the USA.  

Go-to-Market programme is designed for active business leaders and it provides access to experts, supports your planning project for market entry, and delivers the market intelligence businesses to be used to prepare for global expansion. 

Period: March – April 2021

What we offer:

  • Meet leaders from University of Washington/EMBA (business plan and networking)
  • Consulting project for entering the US market
  • Workshops to help you prepare for market entry
  • Legal, fiscal and Business Diplomacy mentoring

This programme is offered to you by ScaleOut, Romanian Business Leaders and our partners. 

Claudiu Vrinceanu
Lucrez cu antreprenori și manageri din firme de tip startup și scaleup și îi ajut pe zona de PR + cresc ecosistemul antreprenorial românesc în fiecare zi. Pentru mai multe analize și informații utile, abonează-te la noutățile blogului meu:
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