
The new type of capital raised by Romanian scale-ups these days

Despite the unpredictable times, the Romanian tech startups field is expanding, marked by the total capital raised by future scale-ups these days.

FintechOS, a Romanian technology startup for the financial sector, received a $ 10 million investment from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group.

The international financial institution supports FintechOS ‘global expansion strategy by facilitating partnerships with the network of customers and banking partners that IFC has built.

What is striking about this financing: it’s the first investment granted directly to a Romanian tech scaleup by International Finance Corporation. So far, IFC has indirectly invested in FintechOS, most likely the next Romanian unicorn: IFC has invested $ 22.27 million in the Earlybird Digital East Fund II, a fund closed in February 2021 with a final capitalization of 200 million euro. Thus, the EBRD signed an investment commitment of 30 million euros for the fund managed by Earlybird, in which it also invested the European Investment Fund (EIF). In addition, Earlybird, whose latest investment fund is operational until July 30, 2029, is one of the investors in the $ 60 million ($ 51 million) Series B financing round attracted by FintechOS.

There is a lot of capital in the market for Romanian financing companies with global growth potential when we study the funding raised by Romanian startups these days:

  • Stailer, the platform that digitizes beauty salon appointments, raised 500,000 euros from several angel investors.
  • Archbee raised $ 1 million in funding, with the round being led by the Inovo Venture Partners fund.
  • Metabeta, a data-driven platform in Central and Eastern Europe for managing investments in startups, received a seed round of financing worth a total of 500,000 euros. The investment round was led by Neogen Capital and completed by 15 other business angels (part of groups such as Growceanu, TBNR, TAN – Transylvania Angels Network, and Techangels).
  • Framey, a local startup developing a socialization application for travel enthusiasts, received a $ 1 million seed funding from ICE Capital in Dubai and the investment fund JECO Capital in Romania.
Claudiu Vrinceanu
Lucrez cu antreprenori și manageri din firme de tip startup și scaleup și îi ajut pe zona de PR + cresc ecosistemul antreprenorial românesc în fiecare zi. Pentru mai multe analize și informații utile, abonează-te la noutățile blogului meu:
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