Romanian founders must be better promoted through private and public partnership in order to develop the tech ecosystem by supporting the global or regional expansion of software companies. What can the Romanian government and the business environment do to strengthen the marketing can help companies grow? I will analyze a series of proposals launched by the business environment for 2021.
As countries compete for investments, talents and new markets for their companies products and services, nation brand and soft power matters.
Întrebarea începutului de an este “Ce business mai merge și poate să crească în 2021”? Ce francize au rămas profitabile în criză, în noul context economic?
The ScaleOut Go-to-Market programme helps Romanian companies prepare for and execute their market entry to the USA.
Managerii văd o criză în V, cu revenirea în două viteze, dar prelungirea pandemiei va crește durata revenirii, comparativ cu previziunile CONFIDEX. În 2021 se va recupera circa jumătate din scăderea din 2020, urmând ca la mijlocul lui 2022 să revenim la situația de dinainte de pandemie.
Endeavor, a mission driven global organisation that supports and accelerates high-impact entrepreneurs by connecting them with talent, capital and a worldwide peer and mentor network has launched a new office in Romania.
Romania is on the 20th place in a ranking of the countries that have raised the most investments in the fintech field.With five notable financings, Romania is thus in a club of select countries with companies in the fintech sector, being surpassed by countries such as Estonia, with 7 investments, Luxembourg, with 7 investments, and Austria, with 11 investments.
Mediul antreprenorial in anul 2020 a inregistrat scaderi atat in ce priveste radierea profesionistilor, cat si in privinta numarului de inmatriculari, dizolvari si suspendari, conform datelor Oficiului National al Registrului Comertului (ONRC), interpretate si centralizate de Comparatia este realizata in raport cu anul 2019.
While still in its infancy and still developing and aspiring to be more like mature ecosystems such as London or Berlin, the tech startup ecosystem in Romania and Poland should be taken into account when looking at the European entrepreneurial scene.
Ce pot face statul român și mediul de business pentru a ajuta firmele tech să crească? În acest articol analizez mai multe propuneri ale mediului de business, prin filtrul propriu, cu o serie de pași de lucru pentru anul 2021.