Category : Scaleup

Antreprenoriat Scaleup

Antreprenor, caut finanțare: patru surse noi de capital accelerate în pandemie

Finanțarea devine mai importantă în ierarhia nevoilor antreprenorilor români în contextul revenirii economice post-Covid-19 care creează numeroase oportunități de creștere locală și globală. Fie că vorbim despre firmele antreprenoriale care lucrează cu mine pe proiecte de PR&media pentru atragerea de finanțare, fie că discutăm despre companiile care caută un investitor privat, am senzația că peisajul de corporate finance a devenit de 100 de ori mai competitiv în ultimii cinci ani. E formidabil cât am evoluat!

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The new type of capital raised by Romanian scale-ups these days

Despite the unpredictable times, the Romanian tech startups field is expanding, marked by the total capital raised by future scale-ups these days.

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Bucharest is in the top 20 tech hubs for VC investment in Europe

Tech sector attracted record levels of venture capital investment in 2020. Tech Nation has named Bucharest on a list of its top 20 European cities based on VC investments. 

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More unicorns born in Romania? Solutions to better promote our founders

Romanian founders must be better promoted through private and public partnership in order to develop the tech ecosystem by supporting the global or regional expansion of software companies. What can the Romanian government and the business environment do to strengthen the marketing can help companies grow? I will analyze a series of proposals launched by the business environment for 2021.

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ScaleOut Go-to-Market: USA. A programme to scale Romanian leaders globally

The ScaleOut Go-to-Market programme helps Romanian companies prepare for and execute their market entry to the USA.  

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Welcome, Endeavor Romania! The global organisation that supports high-impact local entrepreneurs

Endeavor, a mission driven global organisation that supports and accelerates high-impact entrepreneurs by connecting them with talent, capital and a worldwide peer and mentor network has launched a new office in Romania.

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Antreprenoriat Scaleup

Romania, on the European Fintech map based on investments

Romania is on the 20th place in a ranking of the countries that have raised the most investments in the fintech field.With five notable financings, Romania is thus in a club of select countries with companies in the fintech sector, being surpassed by countries such as Estonia, with 7 investments, Luxembourg, with 7 investments, and Austria, with 11 investments.

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Tech scaleup ecosystem: Romania versus Poland

While still in its infancy and still developing and aspiring to be more like mature ecosystems such as London or Berlin, the tech startup ecosystem in Romania and Poland should be taken into account when looking at the European entrepreneurial scene.

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Economie Scaleup

Un plan pentru a ajuta firmele românești să crească

Ce pot face statul român și mediul de business pentru a ajuta firmele tech să crească? În acest articol analizez mai multe propuneri ale mediului de business, prin filtrul propriu, cu o serie de pași de lucru pentru anul 2021.

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Romanian companies continued to scale globally in 2020

For many Romanian firms, 2020 was a great time to go further in their global scaling efforts. Four more Romanian tech companies kicked off their internationalisation plans.

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