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#GoGlobal: Romanian SME’s that trade internationally are more confident and more likely to increase jobs

Romanian SME’s that trade internationally are more confident and more likely to increase jobs: 50% of traders in comparison to 43% of non-traders are positive about their current business state. 70% of traders in comparison to 62% of non-traders are positive about their future business outlook, according to Future of Business Survey.

More traders than non-traders (26% vs. 14%) stated to have created jobs in the past 6 months and plan to create jobs in the future 6 months (49% vs. 32%).

For Romanian exporting SME’s, trade is at the core of their business models and success: Among exporting SME’s, 3 in 10 (35%) report that >25% of their revenue comes from international trade.

Exporters rely on online tools to trade internationally: Nearly half of exporting SME’s (43%) report that more than 75% of their international sales depend on online tools.

SME’s attribute growth – in revenue, resources, and employees – to their use of online tools to trade internationally: 59% of exporters agree that using online tools for selling internationally has increased their revenue.

However, international trade is a challenge to SME’s, and only a minority of SME’s trade internationally (25%).

Furthermore, more than half of exporters (55%) identified “selling to foreign countries” as a challenge.

Claudiu Vrinceanu
Lucrez cu antreprenori și manageri din firme de tip startup și scaleup și îi ajut pe zona de PR + cresc ecosistemul antreprenorial românesc în fiecare zi. Pentru mai multe analize și informații utile, abonează-te la noutățile blogului meu:
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