Tag Archives: start-up de succes


Linkuri asortate pentru antreprenori: daca am fi avut si noi un Balcerowicz

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]eszek Balcerowicz: The Anti-Bernanke. Ce bine o zice Isarescu al polonezilor: “For example, the financial crisis has happened in the financial sector. Therefore the reason for the crisis must be something in the financial sector. Sounds logical, but it’s not. It’s like saying the reason you sneeze through your nose is your nose.” WSJ.com

The Economy and Stocks: A Big Disconnect. Un dezechilibru tot mai evident. NYTimes.com

Central bankers give voice to a revolution. Cum si de ce esueaza politicile monetare. FT.com

5 Mentors Every Entrepreneur Should Have. In spatele unui start-up de succes gasesti un mentor de calibru. In acest articol citesti despre cele 5 tipuri de guru de care orice antreprenor are nevoie. Entrepreneur.com

A holiday gift guide for entrepreneurs. Pentru antreprenorul din viata ta, aici gasesti cateva idei de cadouri. Washington Post

Small businesses scope offshore locales. Afacerile mici din Statele Unite ale Americii sunt atrase de fiscalitaea prietenoasa din Bermude si Belize. Reuters

Sursa foto: topdesignmag.com

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